Tag: policing

126) All Cops Are Not (Necessarily) Bastards: The Inescapability of Hypocrisy for Inherently Flawed and Limited Humans

Not long ago (post #122), I wrote how “All Cops Are Bastards”, and I freely admit, a lot of well-earned emotional energy went into that.  Well-earned on the part of cops, that is, in the sense that the emotional unhealthiness of several police officers, has played a huge, profound, and long-term role in my life,…

16) Murdering terrorism

Proposition: We (that is, all of us) stop using the words “terrorist” and “terrorism” altogether. Rationale: 1) It suggests some ideological legitimacy to acts of murder, framing them as “at least coming from SOME belief system and trying to accomplish SOME goal”. And then, when they are contrasted against other acts of murder, like the…