Tag: environment

68) Purpose — Part 2 — Why the Environmental Movement has Failed (so far) — Act I: Me & You

I love you. You might be thinking….”Really? That’s creepy.” Or you might be thinking….”Really? We’ve never even met!” Or you might be thinking…..”Why, what’d you have in mind?” 😉Or you might be thinking…..”Huh? I thought this was about why the environmental movement has failed.” Please let me explain. I believe you’re great, at least potentially.…

5) Warning: Angry rant ahead

You’ve been warned. Proceed at your own risk. I need to rant. I often feel like I shouldn’t though, like ranting about stuff isn’t a very good idea.  It’s pretty, you know, negative!  Who wants to read depressing stuff?  But sometimes I’m feeling depressed, so, well, what the hell?  After all, this is my blog,…

4) Lauryn Hill, Luke Skywalker, and you

“Fantasy is what people want, but reality is what they need.” – says Lauryn Hill So let’s swallow the red pill and see Reality for what it is. See how our living, dying world is beautiful and horrifying. Inspiring and disgusting. Breathtaking and heartbreaking. Let’s open ourselves to the full blast furnace of reality. Let’s…