Tag: complex systems

80) Magic, Motorcycles, and Mandelbrot: Part 4 – A Call for Global Revolution

So, over 40+ years, my thinking has evolved, from Magic, to Motorcycles, to Mandelbrot, as it has passed from naive and wishful hoping, to power-based command & control ways of thinking, to socio-ecological complexity ways of thinking.  And this takes us to the present, where an understanding of the direction the world is heading, leads…

79) Magic, Motorcycles, and Mandelbrot: Part 3 – Mandelbrot

Then along comes Mandelbrot.  Fractals.  Complex dynamic systems.  Feedback loops.  Self-organization.  Resilience.  Perturbations.  Multi-leveled thinking.  Holonarchies.  Cybernetics.  Nonlinearity.    And your world changes.  If you have gone through this learning curve, then you know, and I know that you know, that you think differently as a result.  (Unless yahyah, you’re a super-genius and you were…

40) Jordan Peterson, Part 1; Subsection 3: Theoretical Foolishness

  (image from — https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1348627-jordan-peterson) I discussed in the previous section “philosophical foolishness”, which led, by the end, to an argument that took Jordan’s reasoning to completely opposite conclusions — his unqualified rejection of socialism and Marxist-inspired thought in general (which, I should note, is consistent with his larger narrative of conserving the value of traditional…

38) Jordan Peterson: Part 1: Problems with fundamental assumptions: “In this corner, Dominance hierarchies!!! (crowd goes WIIIIILLLLLLLD!!); and in this corner, Compassion!!! (Woooo…..????…*pin drop*)”

Subsection 1: Foolishness as Lack of Balance and Contextual Sensitivity “You were the Chosen One! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness!” ―Obi-Wan Kenobi, to Anakin Skywalker In the most succinct way I can put it, I think a good…